When is International Amateur Radio Day?

Tuesday April 18th


International Amateur Radio Day - April 18

To celebrate International Amateur Radio Day, around the world, 3,000,000 amateur radio operators from around the world are taking to the airwaves on April 18th.

The day will feature demonstrations and discussion of amateur radio throughout the day, as well as ham radio operators. Reviews of the station's operations and discussing amateur radio operators' interests, public service positions, and club participation will all be included in the discussion, from local parades to natural disasters.

Ham Radio is popular because you don't need a cell phone network or the Internet to communicate, and it's easy to use Ham Radio. During a disaster when normal communication channels fail, operators are particularly important. After their command center was destroyed during the 9/11 terrorist attack, the Amateur Radio Service kept New York City agencies in touch with each other, for example. During Hurricane Katrina, where all other communications failed, Ham radio also came to the rescue, where all other communications were interrupted.

Amateur Radio experimenters were among the first to discover that the short wave spectrum, rather than being a wasteland, could promote worldwide propagation.