When is International Childfree Day?

Tuesday August 1st

Every year on August 1, the International Childfree Day takes place. On this day, show your love and respect those who choose to live a child-free life.

Raising children is a fulfilling life. It seems that having a family seems to be the next big step in our journey through adulthood. However, some children choose to stay childless. This special day, originally known as Non-Parent's Day, reminds us that having children should be a choice rather than a desire.

In 1972, the National Organization for Non-Parents was founded with the intention of changing the narrative for childless couples. One hundred members of the 400 member group wanted to help one another and educate others on the benefits of being childless. After changing their name in the 1980s to the National Alliance for Optional Parenthood, the group has faded into the background, still assisting members abroad.

Author Laura Carroll resurgented the day in 2013. Oftentimes, parents who choose not to have children are mocked, even from family members. "It's time for this "Day" to be celebrated once more as a way to honor amazing childfree people and their families, as well as help foster the acceptance of the childfree lifestyle in today's society," Carroll said. Since then, Carroll has held events to honor winners of the Childfree Woman and Man of the Year competition.

How to survive international #childfreeday on a global basis. #childfreedayorg