When is International Fnd Awareness Day?

Thursday April 13th


International FND Awareness Day - April 13

International FND (Functional Neurological Disorder) Awareness Day is held every year on April 13. The week's aim is to raise funds, support affected individuals, and advance science into FND prevention, diagnosis, and recovery.

Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) is related to a neural system malfunction that is thought to be the result of the brain's inability to send and receive signals properly. The brain's inability to send and receive signals properly.

Patients with a wide variety of health signs, including movement disorders and sensory disorders, are common. Essentially, there is a problem with the nervous system's operation, sending and/or receiving signals from the body. These symptoms appear to be similar to disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, and Epilepsy, and they can be both debilitating and distressing.

Learn more about FND by visiting the Facebook page and posting #FNDawarenessday and FNDaware on social media. FNDaware is a trademark of the United Kingdom Learn more about FND.