When is International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day?

Monday May 15th

Every year on May 15, the International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day promotes education and education for skin-to-skin contact. Those in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) are encouraged to embrace this critical activity between newborns and mothers right after birth, especially those in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).


Kangaroo care" came from the type of care a kangaroo mother provides their infant with. If its body, a kangaroo mother has a little pouch on the front of its body. This little pouch doubles as a second womb. It stays warm and protected when a joey, or baby kangaroo, is inside the pouch. In addition,, the pouch provides a safe environment in which to grow. A human mother can provide the same protection as a mother kangaroo.

A woman inserts their infant into their chest and blankets the baby with a blanket in the first moments and days after a birth. Babies are healthy babies as a result of this skin-to-skin contact between baby and mother. Although kangaroo care is mainly provided in the NICU, where premature babies require a lot of extra care, many hospitals have started using this technique as part of the birthing process, although some hospitals have adopted it as part of the infant care process. In some situations, a caregiver provides the contact just as well as a birth mother can.

Skin-to-skin contact between baby and mother is one of several well-known health benefits that can be based on evidence-based health. For example, kangaroo care aids premature babies in gaining weight more quickly. Other benefits for the baby include:: There are some other things that can be helpful to the baby.