When is International Kissing Day?

Thursday July 6th

International Kissing Day, July 6th, celebrates the enjoyable act of kissing and the role it plays in cultures around the world.. The day reminds people that the simple value of a kiss between friends, lovers, family, and even pets can be recognized. Many companies, websites,, and social media pages all agree that it's a celebrated day for promotion of their products or services.

International Kissing Day - July 6

Kissing is often associated with romantic feelings, but there are other types of kisses. In recent history, before it was normal for people to write, an "X" would be signed. X" would be written. As a promise to respect the signature, the signer would kiss the X. (Would this be where the "X" symbol came from a kiss?) (Could this be where the "X" symbol came to refer to a kiss?) (Could this be where the "X" symbol came from?

Some cultures kiss on the cheek as a greeting.. Some kisses point to a kinship, while others kiss a kinship.' You'll see tender kisses whether you're a parent or a grandparent with a young child.

It's an ageless pastime. According to study, 5% of people over the age of 45 are locking lips at least 31 times a week.

According to a book by Michael Penn called Kissing Christians, "Early Christians kissed one another in very specific settings that distinguished them from the non-Christian population." At the end of I Thessalonians, the first Christian mention of the ritual kiss is found: "Greet one another with a holy kiss."' "Kiss of tranquility" was used during prayer, Eucharist, ordination, and other areas connected with greetings, funerals, monastic vows, and martyrdom.