When is International Migrants Day?

Monday December 18th

Every year on December 18th, International Migrants Day emphasizes the protection of migrants' human rights. The day also honors the contributions and efforts of migrants around the world.

International Migrants Day - December 18

They went from one land to another ever since human beings were created. In the majority of cases, they travelled to other countries in search of food, water, and shelter. Another reason people were forced to leave their property and search for a new home was conflict..

Countries emerged as time progressed and boundaries were drawn, as time went on and boundaries were established. In some cases, migrants established new countries.. This is how the United States was established when refugees from England arrived here in search of religious liberty. This is how the United States was established. This is how the United States was established. Following its establishment, several waves of migrants arrived in the United States. Migration between 1900 and 1915 was one of the largest influxes of migrants in the United States between 1900 and 1915. During these years, 15 million migrants came from many countries around the world to the United States from various countries around the world.

Round the world. Migrants from around the world have arrived in their countries

The United States wasn't the only country that saw large numbers of migrants. Among the world's biggest migrations are:: These are some of the world's biggest migrations include::