When is International Strange Music Day?

Thursday August 24th

On August 24th, International Strange Music Day encourages people to listen to a genre of music they don't usually listen to. It's also a day to discover strange and bizarre forms of music.

International Strange Music Day - August 24 - headphones, orange, music notes

In several ways, listening to various styles of music benefits us. Listening to various styles of music helps to broaden horizons.. In addition,, it promotes seeing life from a different angle. Some people refer to this as "listening without prejudice."

According to studies, various genres of music influence the mind and body in a variety of ways. Smooth jazz, for example, is known to relax the body. Pop music aids in endurance. Metal music gives a more concrete sense of belonging. Of all the styles of music, classical has the most positive effects.. Classical music combats depression, inspires creativity, relieves pain, and boosts brainpower. However, one report found that hip hop boosted the flavor of cheese.

There are other forms of music in addition to various genres of music. Wistling, blowing into a kazoo, or banning pots and pans together are all examples of music made by whistling, blowing into a kazoo. Some music is just downright bizarre, like clucking chickens and deep-sea creature sounds..

How to celebrate #internationalstrangemusicday, according to the author.com.com