When is Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day?

Friday October 13th

National Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day, October 13th, focuses on the estimated 271,270 Americans with this deadly disease.

Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day | October 13


Every year, breast cancer treatments for all types of breast cancer are improving. Metastatic cancer, which is a stage IV cancer, is affecting all regions of the body. It affects the liver, lungs, brain, lymph nodes, and others. Each year, both men and women are diagnosed. In addition, there are various forms of metastatic breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is October in October. Although the awareness campaign mainly focuses on preventative steps such as mammography, it is important to know that research for a cure for metastatic breast cancer is still underway. Many women with metastatic breast cancer require medical assistance and a knowledge support network.

Treatment options continue to expand. A clinical team will have options whether a patient chooses a trial or a more traditional approach to therapy. Either way, a support network of family and friends helps to cope with the anxiety and changes that accompany the diagnosis.