When is National Apple Betty Day?

Thursday October 5th

With a sweet aroma of apples baked in cinnamon and oats, fall ushers in National Apple Betty Day on October 5 with a sweet scent of apples baked in cinnamon and oats.

National Apple Betty Day | October 5


The Betty or Brown Betty is a British variant that has been used to describe apple crisp, crumble, or cobbler. To make the crumbs that top sliced apples, most Apple Betty recipes call for cinnamon, sugar, and butter. Oats or flour are often added to oats or flour.

Apple Betty recipes warm the house and fill it with delicious fragrances as the outside temperatures begin to fall outside. Apple Betty recipes also encourage a child's hand in making the dessert, making it a family affair. This dish is also suited to the season. Calling out for fall dishes like these is impossible for autumn recipes like these Tart apples right off the tree.