When is National Bagel Day?

Sunday January 15th

On National Bagel Day, Toast up your new flavor on National Bagel Day... Don't forget to select your favorite dish on January 15th, too.. Make it for breakfast, lunch, snack, or any of the above.

This kosher carbohydrate adds complex flavors to the deli and sandwich bar, making it a hit. n the United States We love our crunch-on the outside, chewy-on-the-inside bread. We're from the United States. So they're a staple in our freezers and as a winter pick-me-up.

Bagel history

Immigrant Polish-Jewish immigrants brought the bagel to the United States, which was a hit in the United States. They flourished in New York City and the immediate boroughs. They thrived. Of course, it didn't take long for the bakers to organize. The International Beigel Bakers' Union was established in 1907 by the International Beigel Bakers' Union in 1907. Bagel Bakers Local 338 operated for decades, serving contracts with nearly all bagel bakeries for its employees in and around the area.

Bakeries made bagels by hand before the 1960s. Then Daniel Thompson invented the bagel maker, and with it came a tense discussion of man versus machine... Customers' curiosity was dangled as the issue of the best bagel dangled. made bagel? Was it the hand-crafted beigel or the factory bagel?