When is National Bean Counter Day?

Sunday April 16th

Every accountant's favorite day of the year is April 16th, every accountant's favorite day of the year.. These diligent number crunchers are well past due for a day off after the flurry and the flurry of tax preparations right up until the stroke of midnight.


The term "bean counter" hasn't always refers to our trusted accountants, but it hasn't always refers to our trusted accountants. Like many other words, it was much more concrete before it morphed into the jargon we use today. clerks met customers at the bean counter, not unlike, when finishing their order at the deli counter or fabric counter, clerks met customers at the counter. However, over time, the word became synonymous with accountants who monitored every penny (or bean) that came in and out of the company.

It's time to give the accountants a break now that April 16th comes around. All the receipts have been counted. Both duplicate and triplicate tax forms have been submitted. The last two months have been a whirlwind of debits and credits.. It's time for all bean counters to take a well-deserved break. It's the accountant's day to put off the phone and return to a more normal routine on April 16th.

How to celebrate #nationalbeancountersday..