When is National Bicarbonate Of Soda Day?

Saturday December 30th

On December 30th, Soda Day, or Baking Soda Day, recognizes a staple of the home kitchen. Baking Soda Day or Soda Day is a national bicarbonate of Soda Day.

National Bicarbonate of Soda Day – December 30

a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate" doesn't have the same ring to it. This rare, naturally occurring substance also provides health benefits when washing the house.

To make our baked goods increase, we add baking soda to recipes as a leavening agent. cts with other acidic ingredients to make that happen. Several of us have combined baking soda and vinegar and seen the chemical reaction. Our baked goods rise as carbon dioxide is introduced.

Baking soda's unique chemical makeup and physical characteristics make it so popular. Since it is mildly acidic when mixed with water, dirt, and grease, dissolving more effectively, it is less likely to dissolve more effectively.

Bak soda with a mild abrasive finish makes an excellent cleaning agent for kitchen appliances, pots, and pans. It's even recommended for chrome and the exterior of our cars.