When is National Cappuccino Day - November 8?

Sunday October 8th

On November 8th, the National Cappuccino Day whips up a frothy, hot cup of cappuccino.. It's a delectable beverage on a frosty morning, meeting with colleagues, or simply enjoying a creamy cuppa.


Cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink traditionally made with espresso, hot milk, and steamed milk foam.

Cappuccino comes from the Capuchin friars and is the diminutive version of cappuccio in Italian, meaning hood or something that covers the head. The color of the friars' hooded robes gave this popular coffee beverage not based on their habits but rather from the color of the hooded robes.. (The Capuchin friars is an Order of friars in the Catholic Church, one of the Franciscan's most prominent offshoots.)