When is National Chinese Almond Cookie Day?

Sunday April 9th

On National Chinese Almond Cookie Day, the treat on National Chinese Almond Cookie Day is recognized. You will be able to smile when Adorned with an almond, their delectable almond flavor, and a slightly crunchy texture are sure to make you smile.


Making these delectable cookies is easy with a variety of recipes and ingredients. These cookies are delectable, according to one fact that has remained: these cookies are delectable.

These cookies (along with several others on the calendar) are perfect for serving with tea. They not only dip well, but their flavor pairs well with tea, as well. If you're making a small tea, try adding them to other cookies. Madeleines, biscotti, shortbread, and lacy oatmeal cookies are among the other suggested cookies.

How to Observe #chinesealmondcookieday.cookiedaycom