When is National Clean Up Your Room Day?

Wednesday May 10th

As National Clean Up Your Room Day arrives on May 10th, Spring cleaners get their wish granted each year. This parent-appreciated holiday is often feared by children. The observance arrives on Mother's Day in a few years, but this year, the observance arrives with perfect timing for Mother's Day.


Nevertheless, the observance doesn't only concern children. It's also about picking up, straightening up, and wiping down the entire house. Adults take spring cleaning seriously, and houses are aired out. They plan, de-clutter, and rearrange. It's time to patch up missing parts and repair the broken, as with like. We tackle cluttered closets and donate or throw away those things we no longer use. Your children will help your children make their beds, clean their rooms, and throw out the toys and clothing that have outgrown.

The day brings garages, sheds, and cabinets to life. Get your drawers, closets (did we say that already), and under the bed get thoroughly organized. Also, find ways to repurpose items around the house. Old stuff in new ways: Taking a look at old things in new ways: