When is National Dance Like A Chicken Day?

Sunday May 14th

Everyone should dance like a chicken on May 14th, National Dance Like a Chicken Day. This day is an exciting day for people, with people flapping their arms and strutting chicken-like. Everyone has probably performed the Chicken Dance at least once in their lifetime at least once in their lifetime. This silly fun song is also popular at wedding dances, Oktoberfest, and other celebrations. The song gets people of all ages up and dancing on the dance floor, and it's a hit on the dance floor.


The Chicken Dance, written in the 1950s by Werner Thomas, a Swiss accordionist, didn't make it to the United States until about 1970s. The Chicken Dance is associated with polkas or oom-pah music, according to polkas or oom-pah music. According to rumors, the song was originally written as a drinking song for Oktoberfest, rather than Der Ententanz (The Duck Dance). The song's name was later changed to Vogeltanz (The Bird Dance) later.

The Chicken Dance became a hit in America in the 1970s, with repetitive beak, wing, and tail movements, as well as the band's new name, The Chicken Dance.

Chicken dance facts