When is National Diatomaceous Earth Day?

Thursday August 31st

National Diatomaceous Earth Day, August 31st, honors the diatom and the rare mineral it produces...

National Diatomaceous Earth Day | August 31


The majority of people are aware of diatomaceous earth because they use it in their homes. Occasionally, they use it as a filter for swimming ponds or as a natural insecticide. Biologists are familiar with diatoms, single-celled plants.. They occur on diatomaceous earth and are certainly the earth's lungs. Amazingly, diatoms account for about 34 of the world's new oxygen supply. Diatom skeletons are identified by another scientist who is not a material scientist (called frustules). Imagine tiny, intricate porous opal structures. They are widely distributed naturally occurring substances in the world. They are known to be the world's most durable naturally occurring substances.

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