When is National Former Prisoner Of War Recognition Day?

Sunday April 9th

On April 9th, the brave men and women who have endured brutal treatment at the hands of their captors are honoured on National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day. As a result, they've also suffered separation from family, and displayed incredible patience and faith during their captivity.


The largest number of US Forces were captured by Japanese troops in the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines on this day in 1942.. After being pushed into extreme weather and prolonged wars, the captured troops were forced to march 65 miles to the prison camp. Thousands of people died as a result of medical care, food, or water. Many who survived the difficult journey were still suffering from the abuse. Many people who survived were forced to live in the compounds, deep in the undiscovered jungle, the hardships, brutality, and suffering lasted more than two years for those who could survive.

More than half a million service members have been arrested since the Revolutionary War. This number does not represent those who were lost or never recovered. However, each POW suffers conditions much like the ones listed above. These heroes deserving of a day of esteem.

#formerpowrecognitionday is a form of recognition day that is observable on #formerpowrecognitionday