When is National Gardening Day?

Friday April 14th

Gardeners and would-be gardeners can grab a shovel, plant some seeds, and start a beautiful year of homegrown bounty on April 14th.

National Gardening Day - April 14

National Gardening Day celebrates a satisfying pastime that you will enjoy for decades if you want to grow vegetables, fruit, flowers, houseplants, or something in between.

Growing your own food also provides fresh and natural food for your family, as well as saving you time and money at the grocery store.

The benefits of gardening, as many gardeners know, come from more than the produce. In addition to gardening, spending time in the garden provides physical fitness and the opportunity to connect with nature.

The day is a call to action to get out and plant flower or vegetable gardens. Whether you plant in the ground, in cans, in straw bales, or in a square foot gardening box, you will never know how you garden, plant in the ground, in containers, in straw bales, or in a square foot gardening box. Just garden! Just garden!