When is National Grab Some Nuts Day?

Thursday August 3rd

National Almond Day, National Pistachio Day, and National Pecan Day are among the year's nut days, but August 3rd celebrates them all. It's National Grab Some Nuts Day!

National Grab Some Nuts Day | August 3


It's difficult to distinguish a nut. Although botanically an almond and cashew aren't nuts, once they're in the can, it's difficult to tell the difference.. Even though walnuts and peanuts have the word "nut" in their names, the same goes for walnuts and peanuts. Given the confusion, these nuts, legumes, seeds, and drupes are slowly incorporating into our daily diets. We love nuts whether we add them to salads or into our baking. We're nutty for nuts!

They provide us with the necessary good fats to our diets, depending on the brand. In addition, they're also packed with minerals and vitamins we may otherwise be missing. They improve our health and make food taste better, too, in the right amounts. There's nothing too nutty about it.

These little bountiful nuggets are packed with essential vitamins, have a long shelf life, and are very portable... They give snacks and desserts a nice crunch as well as hearty meals a hearty meal. National Grab Some Nuts Day might be a little squirrelly, but then again, it's the right time of year for it.. Go nuts and grab a few or a lot!