When is National Grape Popsicle Day?

Saturday May 27th

Since summer is just around the corner, May 27th calls for hot weather, sunshine, and National Grape Popsicle Day.



In 1905, Frank Epperson, an 11-year-old Frank Epperson, was outside on his porch, mixing water with a white powdered flavoring to make soda. Upon entering, he left it on the porch with the stirring stick still attached. Frank discovered the drink had frozen to the stick that night at a record low that night and the following morning.

Epperson's treat at a fireman's ball, 1922, was a huge success. In 1923, he created and sold his frozen treat-on-a-stick at an amusement park in Alameda, California. Epperson applied for a patent in 1924 for his frozen confectionery, which he described as "Epsicle" ice pop. "Popsicle" was then renamed by the owner, who later renamed it "Popsicle."

Popsicles are one of summertime's most popular treats for children of all ages. National Grape Popsicle Day honors one of the most popular flavors!!!

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