When is National Healthcare Decisions Day?

Sunday April 16th

National Healthcare Decisions Day educates and encourages the public and healthcare providers to participate in vital advance care planning..


In the absence of an advanced directive, medical staff must rely on family members to determine what a patient's wishes are. Family members are also struggling to make these difficult decisions. With advanced planning, however, many of these difficult decisions can be avoided.

The observance highlights the importance of advance directives, and national, state, and community groups banded together in a joint effort to support the day. These organisations are collaborating to ensure that health care decisions are documented with the correct information, opportunity, and access that are required to support health care decisions.

Although advance care planning sounds like a difficult topic, family members are left wondering how to make the decision for you. Completing an advanced directive relieves the burden from our loved ones. It also allows us to have more pleasant conversations in the future..

How to track #healthcaredecisionsday on a day that #healthcaredecisionsday is being reported