When is National Heavenly Hash Day?

Thursday February 2nd

On February 2nd, a family's favorite that covers a variety of desserts with a common ingredient is recognized on National Heavenly Hash Day.


The only thing that seems to be certain is a mix of marshmallows, marshmallow creme, or whip. However, other ingredients may differ.. Chocolate and marshmallow are two of the recipes that make delectable cakes. And yet, others lean more toward a fruit salad with whipped cream and a variety of nuts or chocolate bars added.. Nearly every brand of ice cream has its own version of Heavenly Hash with nuts and chocolate added.

However, the common ingredient appears to always be a form of marshmallow, giving the dish a heavenly flavor perfect for potlucks and family gatherings...

#nationalheavenlyhashdayhashdayhashday is a worldwide phenomenon that has dominated our lives