When is National Hoagie Day?

Friday May 5th

## national hoagie day


A hero of a sandwich is honored on May 5th by many names, but National Hoagie Day is commemorated on May 5th.

The hoagie goes by several other aliases, in addition to a hero. The sub, grinder, Italian, toro, or baguette are only a few of the sub's numerous names. Some of those names reveal how we make a hoagie as well as how we make a hoagie. We've cut a long Italian roll or French bread lengthwise and filled it with a variety of meats, cheeses, vegetables, seasonings, and sauces. Pile it high with your own combination of fillings and enjoy it hot or cold...

About the word "hoagie" in the sense that it refers to, "hoagie" is used

In 1953, Italians working at the World War I-era shipyard in Philadelphia known as Hog Island packed their lunch to work every day. Different meats, cheeses, and lettuce were mixed in the sandwich, which was the sandwich's first attempt at separating two slices of bread. The sandwich was referred to as the "Hog Island" sandwich, which was later reduced to the "hoagie" in honor of the "hoagie."