When is National Hole In My Bucket Day?

Tuesday May 30th

National Hole in My Bucket Day is observed on May 30th of each year.. This wacky holiday is in honor of the fun kids' song; There's a Hole in My Bucket.

National Hole in My Bucket Day | May 30


Henry and Liza's back-and-forth conversation is about a back-and-forth discussion about the song, which has its roots in 1700 Germany, is about a back-and-forth discussion between Henry and Liza. Henry has to replace his leaky bucket.. Henry asks Liza for assistance in each stanza. In the end, he needs a bucket to carry water to repair his bucket.

Although this annual celebration was influenced by a musician's obsession with replacing a leaky bucket, there are other ways to commemorate this day. We all know it's a bummer when a once usable bucket becomes a hole. But not all is lost. Holey buckets also serve a purpose.. Although they can no longer hold liquids (or hold them tightly), they can also hold volumes of mass. It will do many jobs, depending on where the hole is located.