When is National Hot Buttered Rum Day?

Tuesday January 17th

During mid-January, National Hot Buttered Rum Day on January 17th warms us up.


Depending on where you are on this January day, it may be hot, chilly, crisp, or frigid. If you are in one of the latter three categories, enjoying a hot buttered rum drink would surely be a good way to warm up.

During the fall and winter months, hot buttered rum, butter, hot water or cider, sweetener, and cloves is often associated with the holiday season. Traditionally cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves are common ingredients in this mixed drink.

Hot buttered rum's history in the United States goes back to colonial times.. It was in the 1650s that Jamaica began exporting molasses to Colonial America. In New England, distilleries where the colonists later added distilled rum to hot beverages such as toddies and nogs were introduced, including hot buttered rum, eggnog, and others.

tered rum batter with dark rum is often used to make a hot buttered rum. Dark rum has been barrel-aged for a long time to develop a more pronounced molasses flavor... Many that prefer a milder or spicier taste will have the option of using light rum or spiced rum mixed with the batter.