When is National Lager Day?

Sunday December 10th

On December 10th, the third most popular drink after water and tea is a glass. We're sure that summer is meant to be celebrated with a few of your favorite things, although lager is typically thought of as a light, summer beer.


Lagers are distinguished from other beers by using a cold-conditioning process. The yeast strains used are referred to as "bottom-fermenting" yeast or yeast that can grow at colder temperatures. Brewers in cellars dug into the ground and filled with ice before the introduction of refrigeration, mastered this process. Many who tried the delectable results described the lager as "crisp" and "refreshing" after tasting. It's no wonder that this process has caught on and produced a slew of brews that are synonymous with regional and national brands.

There are endless possibilities for your pleasure, with so many choices from pale, amber, or dark, not to mention the numerous craft varieties. With the taste of Summer, gather some friends and celebrate this midwinter season..

How to celebrate #nationallagerday..

National Lager Day is celebrated in a variety of ways. Start by ordering a flight to discover delectable new lagers. While you're doing that, please invite a few people to join you. We're sure that's one of the best ways to Celebrate Every Day!