When is National Leave The Office Early Day?

Friday June 2nd

Everyone is sure to enjoy marking National Leave the Office Early Day on their calendar. The observance is an incentive to many who regularly work more than 40 hours per week, observed on June 2nd (unless June 2nd falls on a weekend, at which time it would be announced on the nearest working day) each year.

National Leave the Office Early Day | June 2


According to the majority of Americans, more than a quarter work more than 40 hours per week. Some jobs are even more than others. Some work even more than others. Many that are self-employed or work two jobs will likely work 60-80 hours per week. These hours don't leave much for family, self-care, or home care. The phone calls from mother, the grandkids, and even the gym asking where you've been, are increasing, as well as the stress levels. Perhaps your best buddies want to drink a glass of wine, but you've been stuck behind a desk or on the road working.

Every once in a while, this holiday encourages you to take a little time for yourself.