When is National Lipid Day?

Wednesday May 10th

sease that affects dyslipidemia. Every year, National Lipid Day on May 10th raises the risk of Dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia is an abnormal amount of lipids (e.g. cholesterol and/or fat) in the blood. It is also known as dyslipidemia.


Most dyslipidemias in developed countries are hyperlipidemias, i.e., an elevation of lipids in the blood. This is often due to diet and lifestyle. Diabetes can also contribute to dyslipidemia as a result of prolonged insulin elevation. In addition, elevated O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) levels may cause dyslipidemia. is the leading cause of Cardiovascular Disease worldwide. Dyslipidemia is the leading cause of Cardiovascular Disease worldwide.

Preventative steps, such as health education, emphasis on physical fitness, diet, and regular visits to a doctor all help in living a healthy lifestyle.

How to celebrate #nationallipidday. how to recognize #nationallipidday

By going for a walk and increasing your physical activity every day, you can minimize your risks. Educate yourself and consult with your healthcare specialist. To stay up, make regular checkups... Include more green, leafy vegetables in your diet. Learn more about taking steps to improve your health. Sometimes they're simpler than you think. Share this by posting #NationalLipidDay on social media.