When is National Maple Syrup Day?

Sunday December 17th

For National Maple Syrup Day, get the flapjacks ready. Calls have been received for pancakes, french toast, or biscuits topped off with butter and delectable maple syrup since December 17th.


These trees are in cold climates, store starch in their trunks, and in their roots. tarch is then converted to sugar that rises in the sap in the spring. The maple trees are then tapped by boring holes into their trunks, and the released sap is collected. After the sap is collected, it is processed by heating to evaporate a large portion of the water, leaving the concentrated syrup...

The indigenous peoples of North America's first collected, processed, and used maple syrup. The European settlers adopted the practice and gradually improved production methods. Technological advances in the 1970s and the production of syrup has been refined.