When is National Mason Jar Day?

Thursday November 30th

National Mason Jar Day, November 30th, honors an ingenious device that has been bringing families together for generations.


We enjoy the summer flavors in the midst of winter by opening a jar of fruit preserves or spicy salsa. Fruit and vegetables from the garden are saved in the Mason jar for those who like to pickle. We make green beans to watermelon, sweet or spicy, from green beans to watermelon.

John Landis Mason from New Jersey made home canning safe for centuries, although food preservation has existed for centuries. The young tinsmith's patent #22186 for a "improvement in screwneck bottles" introduced a pioneering style.

Gardeners have been canning since then. They obtained their pantries from their victory gardens, which they stocked. With their heirloom collections, some people padded their wallets. And many more people have expressed their bounty as colorful gifts, as well as colorful gifts. As stunning DIY projects in shabby chic vases or as an artfully painted desk caddy, Mason jars serve double duty as a stunning DIY project..

However, we use these versatile vessels, this holiday delight in their existence and their utility.