When is National Milk Day?

Wednesday January 11th

On January 11th, many believe the first milk bottles in glass bottles appeared in the United States on January 11th. Alexander Campbell of the New York Dairy Company pleaded for these deliveries in 1878, according to New York State Senate Alexander Campbell of the New York Dairy Company.


The United States and Australia export more milk and milk products than in any other region. Those include cheese, yogurt, ice cream, butter, cream, powdered milk, and many more. More than 6 billion people drink milk and the products we produce from it around the world. One of the reasons is because milk contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, vitamin B12, and vitamin A. One of the reasons is that milk contains calcium, potassium, vitamin B12, and vitamin A.

Production history

People called milk the virtuous white spirit in the Middle Ages because alcoholic beverages were more reliable than water. In 1863, French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur made it possible for milk and other foods and drinks to be stored for longer stretches. He invented a way of killing harmful bacteria that is now called pasteurization. He invented a device that is now called pasteurization.