When is National Mincemeat Day?

Thursday October 26th

National Mincemeat Day in the United Kingdom honors a 15th-century English dish combining spiced meat and fruit. Bake up a batch on October 26th!

National Mincemeat Day | October 26


Trimmeat was first introduced as a way of preserving meat without salting or smoking. Bakers then used the filling to make mince pies from scratch.. They became an integral part of holiday dinners and became a special part of holiday dinners. Today's holiday dinner table finds mincemeat pies in several households.. Fruit is the primary ingredient in many modern recipes, with liquor often as an added ingredient.

You may have heard tales about mincemeat pie from your grandparents, aunts, and uncles, or even read about it in a book. However, if you've never had the opportunity to try one, National Mincemeat Day would be the day to do so.