When is National Mississippi Day?

Thursday November 30th

We began honoring each state in the order they were born in the union, beginning with Hawaii and ending with Hawaii on Independence Day. We've chosen a small piece of each state's past, foods, and the people who make up the state. There's so much more to discover, but we can't help but celebrate our beautiful country even more.

National Mississippi Day - November 30

How did you learn to spell Mississippi? How did you learn to spell Mississippi? Was it the M-I crooked letter-crooked letter-crooked letter-crooked letter-I-crooked letter-I-crooked letter-I-crooked letter-I-crooked letter-I-humpback-I rhyme? Did you keep track of the seconds by counting one Mississippi, two Mississippi? You are not alone if you did, because you are not alone. Millions around the country are recalling doing this and other related word associations with the name Mississippi!

Along the state's western boundary, the Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico, earning the river's name from the Ojibwe word misi-ziibi, which means "Great River."

In the middle to late 19th century, Blues music flourished along the Mississippi Delta in the Mississippi Delta. Within a few decades, blues music will gradually expand to include a crop of singers and a variety of new styles.

Civil rights