When is National Personal Space Day?

Thursday November 30th

On November 30th, National Personal Space Day promotes kindness toward sensitivities and supports self-protection by acknowledging that everyone has the right to choose when and how to be touched.

National Personal Space Day - November 30

Touch can hurt. Many bacteria and viruses can cause damage.

The day provides an opportunity to be aware of a person's unspoken need for space or a gentler and welcomed touch. If you see someone wearing the peach symbol, avoid the handshake or hug and instead give a smile or another sign of concern.

"I need a little extra space today," the effective symbol says without awkwardness or hurt feelings. The Peach symbol kindly raises the voice of the wearer. People are being asked to change the way they care by the mission is aiming to change the way people think about it. We are in the 21st century, after all, at a time when considering our personal space is at a peak... It's also a time when we get more insight into others' boundaries.

Everyone has a tale to tell of a time in their lives when they were well-intentioned but unwelcome touch or closeness: whether they are recovering or working in a crowded work environment, are pregnant, receiving chemotherapy, or simply needing more space to shield them from infectious bacteria, viruses, or other sensitivities.