When is Personal Trainer Awareness Day?

Monday January 2nd

On January 2nd, National Personal Trainer Awareness Day will kick off the year with a day to honor the professionals who help us keep our resolutions one step at a time..


Personal trainers know they will be in high demand this year as getting in shape is one of the most popular resolutions each new year. Our jobs are not only to inspire us but also to ensure we know how to operate our bodies safely. scouraged from keeping our resolutions just as much as lack of motivation. Injuries due to misusing of equipment or not properly warming up our muscles are preventing us from following our workouts.

Personal trainers create individualized training plans for their clients. The plan should be tailored to their current physical fitness and aspirations. Correct techniques will be taught using the equipment and accessories that are readily available. In addition, personal trainers can encourage, inspire, and help keep you accountable for your physical fitness.. They can help you set up your goals and guide you on the next step of physical fitness. While still aiming for your best health, they will continue to challenge you and make sure you use proper form to avoid injury.

How to celebrate #personaltrainerawarenessday on a daily basis. #personaltrainerawarenessday

Give your personal trainer a shout-out. Is your resolutions focused on physical fitness? Perhaps a personal trainer is right for you. Exercise your best judgement and let a personal trainer create a program just for you. Visit WebMD for great advice on choosing the right personal trainer. To post on social media, use the hashtag #PersonalTrainerAwarenessDay.