When is National Pie Day?

Friday December 1st

On National Pie Day, dessert enthusiasts from around the country enjoy a slice of their favorite on December 1st each year. We love pie so much that we repeat it twice a year. January 23rd is the most popular date....


Although it's the lesser of the two celebrated PIE days (don't forget National Pi Day on March 14th), it does fall smack dab in the middle of a big pie-making season.

Most people choose either cake people or pie people, with ice cream as a dessert option. Most people have cake or pie with their ice cream, which is to put it another way. Our bumper fruit crops are mingling with a burgeoning holiday season full of baked goods, cool weather, and rosy-cheeked children, according to the day. It's definitely time to tie on those apron strings and get baking.

We make more than fruit pies, of course! On a cold winter's day and the warmth a family cook requires when caring for a family, Savory pot pies provide warmth on a cold winter's day and the content a family cook requires when caring for a family.

Pecan Pie