When is National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day?

Saturday October 21st

This sweet dessert uses fresh soft cheese, cream cheese, or cottage cheese, eggs, and sugar to form a base. Crushed graham crackers, crushed cookies, pastry, or sponge cake are all baked into the crust. Pumpkins can be added to cheesecake recipes in a variety of ways. For example, it may be swirled through, mixed thoroughly with all ingredients, or layered.. Bakers sell cheesecakes, baked or unbaked. Cheesecakes are popular among bakers and top them with fruit, fruit sauce, chocolate, or whipped cream.

National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day | October 21

An ancient Greek dish, cheesecake, may have been a common dish. The first recorded mention of cheesecake is by Greek physician Aegimus. He wrote a book about making cheesecakes.

In 1912, James Kraft invented a brand of pasteurized cream cheese. Kraft acquired the Philadelphia logo and marketed pasteurized Philadelphia Cream Cheese in 1928.

Several popular cheesecakes are available in North America. The cheesecakes are available in North America.