When is National Raisin Day?

Sunday April 30th

National Raisin Day, April 30th, is recognized as another food holiday in the United States. Raisins are tiny sundried grapes. They are called Raisins. Although sunshine dries most grapes naturally in vineyards, some grapes are mechanically dehydrated.


For as long as grapes have been growing, people have been enjoying raisins. Raisins are naturally low in fat and packed essential nutrients, making them ideal for snacking and eating. California supplies the majority of the world's raisin supply.

You can also make wine by using raisins instead of adding raisins to baked goods. Yes, grapes are used to make raisins and wine. In this case, we can make wine from raisins as well! So, technically, raisin day could also be considered a wine day.

How to celebrate #nationalraisinday..

To your cookie dough, add raisins to your cookie dough since April 30th is also National Oatmeal Cookie Day. Make some raisin wine. Try this delectable Oatmeal Raisin Cookies I recipe.