When is National Sandwich Day?

Friday November 3rd

National Sandwich Day, November 3rd, honors one of America's most popular lunch items, whether you stack it high or thin. Whether you stack it high or thin.


Following the allegation that he was the sandwich's creator, the sandwich is thought to be the namesake of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. We celebrate every form of sandwich, regardless of who invented it.

Although the modern sandwich is thought to have been named after John Montagu, the precise details of its manufacture and original use are the subject of controversy. There is a rumor in a recent travel book titled Tour to London by Pierre Jean Grosley that sparked the common belief that bread and meat sustained Lord Sandwich at the gaming table. Lord Sandwich was a remarkably conversant gambler who did not have a meal during his long hours of playing at the card table, according to reports. When hungry, he'd ask his servants to bring him slices of meat from two slices of bread. The sandwich was created from this activity, which was well-known to his gambling buddies who soon began to order "the same as Sandwich" and soon became a hit..

The first sandwich was more likely to have been consumed at his work desk than at his work desk, according to N.A.M. Rodger, who wrote Sandwich's biography...

The food appears to have been called bread and meat or bread and cheese before being identified as sandwiches.