When is National Scribble Day?

Monday March 27th

Children are encouraged to kindness by art on National Scribble Day on March 27.


Every one of us starts out as a little colorful, wrinkled up human being with eyes, nose, and often a flash of hair. We go. Our personality changes as we go. We're a little like a scribble.'

When eyes and a smile are added to children's scribbles, they become more than just scribbles. A personality leaps onto the page, and with it, children are encouraged to grow and express themselves. The good news about them brings a surge of joy that is infectious.

That's why scribbles are so popular – anyone can make them no matter their skill. Everyone from Grandpa to the tiniest family member can participate in the day. Gather up the crayons in every hue and scribble up smiles for everyone.

How to celebrate #nationalscribbleday on #nationalcribbleday?