When is National Spinach Day?

Sunday March 26th

National Spinach Day, each year, reminds us of the health benefits packed into this leafy green vegetable. Not only are there so many delicious ways to enjoy spinach, but it's also incredibly healthy for you!


Spinach, an annual plant, grows natively in central and southwestern Asia. Thought to have arisen in ancient Persia, Arab traders carried spinach into India and later introduced it into ancient China. It was described as a "Persian vegetable" in the United States. In a Chinese paper, the spinach plant's first known record of the plant was discovered. The spinach plant was imported into China via Nepal, according to the company.

Catherine de Medici adored spinach so much that she ate it at every meal during her time as queen of France. Today, spinach dishes are known as Florentine, referring to Catherine's birth in Florence.

Spinach is: