When is National Webmistress Day?

Saturday August 26th

On August 26th, National WebMistress Day honors women in web design...

National WebMistress Day | August 26


A WebMistress is a woman who creates, develops, markets, and maintains websites. A WebMistress is a woman who designs, develops, markets, and maintains websites. The term has existed since the mid-1990s. The word officially entered technology's vocabulary in June of 1995. Kat Valentine bought the domain name WebMistress.com last month.com Valentine went a step forward, starting with the word WebMistress, a job title. According to various classified advertisements, the term WebMaster appeared on the scene as early as 1986, according to various classified ads.

Thousands of women now work under the job title WebMistress, which is a form of WebMistress. The word still raises eyebrows more than 20 years later. However, WebMistress does not only appear on the résumé, but it is also a recognized occupation in the corporate world. Take the time to acknowledge the women in web development to highlight the career title in the industry and shake the stigma associated with the word...