When is National Write Down Your Story Day?

Tuesday March 14th

Everyone has a tale to tell, and National Write Your Story Day, March 14th, encourages you to share your tale in written form...


"There's nothing in my life to tell," you may say to yourself.. The words are starting to fill the pages, and it will surprise you if you put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, or fingers to keyboard, and the sentences will begin to fill the pages. Words have a way of triggering memories. They are a moment in time, and before you know it, there's a tale circulating from your fingertips. Even if you never reveal your story, it will be an indicator of who you are and where you've been to..

Trips down memory lane or recalling the moment when a spark of inspiration was ignited are more exciting than you think. Today, they blog, inspire books, and even complete a television series. More importantly, they are treasures to family and loved ones....

Today is the start of our personal stories. The observance encourages us to start sharing our personal stories today. In there, there's a tale worth recounting!

#writeyourstoryday is a hashtag that can be tracked by anyone