When is Red Hand Day?

Sunday February 12th

Red Hand Day, every year on February 12th, encourages political figures to avoid the use of child soldiers. The International Day Against the Use of Child Soldiers is also known as the International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers.

Red Hand Day - February 12

Unfortunately, many countries around the world encourage the use of children in violent conflicts. In at least 20 countries, over 250,000 child soldiers in the world are used in at least 20 countries. Afghanistan, Colombia, Iraq, the Philippines, Sudan, and Yemen are all examples of countries where this activity is particularly prevalent. The overwhelming majority of child soldiers are aged between 15 and 18 years old. However, some countries recruit children as young as nine years old.

Child soldiers also suffer from a lack of adequate nutrition, shelter, and health care in addition to being exposed to life-threatening injuries. In addition, abusive techniques are used on these children to discipline them. As a result, several of these child soldiers die or become permanently disabled. Infant soldiers who survive are traumatized for life.

No child is safe from becoming a soldier in some countries. Girls are even compelled to become soldiers by the government. These girls also face the possibility of forced marriage and sexual assault. If these children have the opportunity to return home, their lives may also be difficult.. Some children are orphanages who have returned as orphans. Some people are unable to attend class or work a career.

How to celebrate #redhandday...

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