When is Towel Day?

Thursday May 25th

Towel Day, a holiday celebrated annually by Douglas Adams' fans, honors the work of the author best known for his book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

TOWEL DAY | May 25

According to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "a towel is about the most useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have."

And here's why it's so critical. And for several very useful uses, even we mere Earthly hitchhikers need towels.. We dry our furry animals and roll towels neatly into organized rows. They ease the kinks in our necks on long journeys. Even our tiny humans use them to cool down after going swimming. However, perhaps not very well. On a sunny day, it will also provide shade..

We've found that towels in small sizes are also useful for sport. They are used by golfers and bowlers. In a fight to regain, add a small towel to a footballer's hip and call it a flag or wave a white one.

A towel can stop bleeding or carry the wounded in an emergency. It can also cool a fever.. On a cool day, wrap it around you. To wash a car or wipe up the oil, wash it or wipe up the oil. A really large towel might be all that would be needed for a toga party. However, it probably wouldn't have to, but in reality, it probably wouldn't.