When is World Health Day?

Friday April 7th

The global recognition of health as a human right is represented on World Health Day. We all play a part in our personal wellbeing and the well-being of those around us, from healthcare professionals to policymakers and individuals with young children or seniors.

World Health Day - April 7

As first-world resources begin to improve the overall quality of life for the masses, one significant contributing factor to these advancements is the ability to have consistent access to them.

No matter where we live, science is consistently finding ways to extend the life and quality of our lives. It's only right for us to want all people to have access to these advancements. Thousands of people die each year due to geographic limitations, but thousands of people are killed each year at the hands of preventable diseases.

More people can live active, productive, and disease-free lives as a result of affordable healthcare. Healthcare services push 100 million people into extreme poverty each year due to out-of-pocket spending, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The World Health Organisation uses this observance to announce the World Health Statistics Report. This is an annual publication of health information spanning a variety of topics, from newborn and child health to environmental hazards. In addition, the study contains statistics on the evolution of universal health coverage.