When is World Hemophilia Day?

Monday April 17th


World Hemophilia Day - April 17

On April 17, World Hemophilia Day is still observed. Occasionally, it is also known as World Bleeding Disorders Awareness Day. The day's mission is to locate and reach out to new members of the bleeding disorders community.

bleeding disorder. Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder. ith hemophilia do not bleed any faster than average, but they can bleed longer than normal. Their blood does not have a sufficient clotting factor, according to their blood. Clotting factor is a protein in blood that regulates bleeding. About 1 out of 10,000 people are affected by the disease.

Since hemophilia is a genetic disorder, it is usually inherited, indicating that it is passed on through a parent's genes. Genes have information about how the body's cells will develop as a baby grows into an adult. For example, they determine a person's hair and eye color...

your house, office, or even a local landmark red to honor those with a bleeding disorder and raise funds for World Hemophilia Day.