When is World Malaria Day?

Tuesday April 25th

Malaria Awareness Day was scheduled to be April 25 by President George W. Bush in 2007. President Bush encouraged Americans to join in on the fight against malaria on the African continent in his proclamation.. President Bush declared Malaria Awareness Day to be a day when we concentrate our attention on those who suffer from this deadly disease, especially the millions on Africa's continent. We remember the millions of people who died from this completely preventable and treatable disease. We're encouraged to spread the word of malaria as a compassionate world, and we're encouraged to act. Caring people do that. They act when they see a problem. We're here to discuss, and that's what we're here to talk about. We reiterate our commitment to lead the world toward an urgent goal on this special day, which is to turn the tide against malaria in Africa and around the world. President Bush also shared the White House's strategic plan against malaria with the public, which was also shared with the public by President Bush. This included two new ventures in Uganda and Madagascar to distribute millions of life saving bed nets with the New York-based nonprofit group Malaria No More. (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia). (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia). (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia) (Wikipedia).