When is World Poetry Day?

Tuesday March 21st


The fact that reading and writing poetry has enriched and inspired the way we live our lives is a reminder of how reading and writing poetry has enriched and inspired the way we live our lives. Poetry has defied the norm with new ways of thinking about allegory and complex emotion ever since humans have been recording history. Poetry has pushed the boundaries of thought for thousands of years. Words have always been the binding source between people, and this has helped us to see life from a new perspective. Poetry is the artistic mastery of this phenomenon, by instilling emotions within us and influencing others. It's our poetic nature that makes words to be the bridge to our emotions.

Poetry is not limited to an art work, but it also serves as a means of teaching outside of the classroom. It helps us to take the wisdom we've been given and apply it directly to how we think the world. On this day, we enter the field of creative expression and open up to the inspiration that surrounds us by sharing, collaborating, and experiencing the world through poetry.

To post on social media, use #WorldPoetryDay to post... Read or recite poems. Write a poem by yourself. There are as many styles of poetry as there are days. Find one that you love!

Since the beginning of time, humans have been recording poetry.. So choose a year, or year, and dedelve into a new, undiscovered headspace. Then, take out some parchment and a quill for your own expression session!